RM185 (P-005)
Painted Swimming Pool曼波鱼屋全能彩绘游泳池
【Model 商品型号】:MA-1013
【Brand 品 牌】:Hong Kong Graceful Wave Fish Room香港“曼波鱼屋”
【Product Specification产品规格】:80cm X 80cm
Baby Box exclusive network of high-PVC folder 贝博氏专用高支夹网PVC
【Package 产品配置】:
1. Painted Swimming Pool 全能彩绘游泳池
2. Korean Version Baby Neck Float 曼波鱼屋脖圈
3. New patented multi-angle 2 long pipe 全新抗拉多角度2长专利进出水管一根
4. 6 stents 六根固定支架
5. Patch package 修补包
6. Inflatable pump香港曼波鱼屋专用打气筒一只
7. Product Manual 产品说明书
8. Baby ducks temperature card贝贝鸭水温卡
9. Learning CD香港曼波鱼屋婴儿游泳光盘一张
10 Ducks toys 小鸭子玩具
11.Towel 超值礼品香港曼波鱼屋婴儿护肤吸水巾一个
【Product Description 产品说明】:
1. Hong Kong Graceful Wave Fish Room 2008 the latest version painted swimming pool, the use of new non-toxic materials and environmental protection
2. The baby's dedicated experts in the United States Baby Box folder thickening network of high-material production, the phenomenon not leak, the stent than the general pool even more durable and soft, baby will not chafe skin.
3. The new design dedicate for Hong Kong Graceful Wave Fish Room has the appearance of cartoon design, cute and attract baby
4. 6 root brackets, more convenient use of portable solid.
5. Pool water level scale, it is reasonable to control the high water level and reduce the waste of water.
6. The use of patented design and out of water, open the valve inside the bath water pipes connected to the outlet, the other end will be installed in the water tap as the washing machine into the covered with water inside the valve without effect, from the water tap will automatically allocate the flow of water pipes under the specified location. Can be used in any one room only
Need to take a long water pipe.
1. 08年香港曼波鱼屋最新彩绘版,采用全新材料,环保无毒
2. 以婴儿用品专家美国贝博氏专用加厚高支夹网料制作,决无漏水现象,比一般的支架泳池更加结实耐用更柔软、决不会擦痛宝宝的肌肤。
3. 全新图案,已申请外观专利,香港曼波鱼屋专用卡通鱼图案逼真可爱,宝宝更喜欢
4. 6根支架固定,使用携带更加方便牢固。
5. 池内水位刻度,可以合理地控制水位高度,减少用水浪费 6. 采用专利进出水设计,打开浴池内侧阀门将水管接在出水口上,另一头装在水笼头上就会象洗衣机进水效果无需盖上内阀门,从水笼头上拨下水管就会自动流向所指 定的位置。并可在任何一个房间使用只需接长水管。从此告别支架游泳池只能在卫生间使用的历史.

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