RM140 (P-004)
【Product 产品名称】:
Colorful Rainbow 5 Rings Baby Swimming Pool 七彩五环婴儿游泳池
【Model 商品型号】:MA-1003
【Brand 品 牌】:Hong Kong Graceful Wave Fish Room 香港“曼波鱼屋”
【Product Specification 产品规格】:115cm X 115cm X 80cm (After Pump 充气后- Outer外径: 105*105*75CM; Inner内径:70*70*75CM)
【Materials 产品材料】:PVC Polymer 高分子PVC
【Package 产品配置】:
1. Colorful Rainbow 5 Rings Baby Swimming Pool 七彩五环婴儿游泳池
2. Korean Version Baby Neck Float 曼波鱼屋脖圈
3. 1.7m pipe 1.7米排水管
4. Patch package 修补包
5. Inflatable foot pump 脚踏充气泵
6. Product Manual 产品说明书
7. Baby ducks temperature card 贝贝鸭水温卡
8. Ducks toys 小鸭子玩具
【Product Description 产品说明】:
Colorful Rainbow 5 Rings Baby Swimming Poolis characterized by the baby pool watertight, the general pool, at the bottom of the water plug must be covered, or else will be very easy to leak, especially when children play inside, if we are not careful the water plug away , and causes leak out, it is trouble. Specially designed curved pipes, equipped with 1.7 meters of water pipes, water pipes at the bottom of a swimming pool then curved in the head pipes, water pipes of the other end, so after the operation, open the faucet, the same principle as washing machines, water will automatically flow from the bottom. At the same time, the water plug at the bottom of the cover is not required, water will not escape. If you use after the need for drainage, they take in water from the water pipe down on the ground, water will automatically flow out, you can take a long pipes, the water into the location you specify, so that you can be used at home in many places, never have to worry about leaking or wet the wood floor had occurred
曼 波鱼屋七彩五环婴儿游泳池的特点是不漏水,一般的泳池,底部水塞一定要盖的严严实实,否则很容易漏水,小孩子在里面玩,如果不小心把水塞踢开了,水就一下 流出来了,很是麻烦。特制弯型水管设计,配备1。7米长的水管,水管的一头接在泳池底部弯型水管头上,水管的另一头, 这样操作完后,打开水龙头,就象洗衣机一样的原理,水就会从底部自动进水。同时,底部的水塞是不需要盖住的,水不会漏出来。如果您使用完后需要排水,就把 接在水龙头上的水管取下来放在地上,水就自动流出来了,您也可以接长水管,把水排到您指定的地点,这样,您可以在家里很多地方使用,再也不用担心漏水或者 把木地板打湿的情况发生了。

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