【Product 产品名称】: Blue Ocean Hexagonal Swimming Pool 贝博氏【蓝海精灵】超级六角形婴儿游泳
【Model 商品型号】:MB-003A
【Brand 品 牌】:Hong Kong Graceful Wave Fish Room 香港“曼波鱼屋”
【Product Specification 产品规格】:145cm X 110cm X 75cm (After Pump 充气后- Outer外径: 140*130*75CM; Inner内径:100*90*75CM)
【Package 产品配置】:
1. Blue Ocean Hexagonal Swimming Pool 蓝海精灵超级六角形婴儿游泳池
2. Korean Version Baby Neck Float 曼波鱼屋脖圈
3. 1.7m pipe 1.7米排水管
4. Patch package 修补包
5. Inflatable foot pump 脚踏充气泵
6. Electric pump 电泵
7. Product Manual 产品说明书
8. Baby ducks temperature card 贝贝鸭水温卡
9. Dolphins a wizard sets 蓝海精灵小海豚一套
10. A packet of the marine ball 海洋球一包
Blue Ocean Hexagonal Swimming Pool learn lessons in Hong Kong Graceful Wave Fish Room and to improve long to complete to become a super-baby swimming pool, from the design of the materials used and the number of components have been numerous experts test, are up to the Baby Box humanity's unique requirements.
1. Increase the bubble at the bottom of a soft, more comfortable baby's tiny feet really care.
2. A unique and out of the water at the bottom of more convenient and labor-saving, do not carry a bucket of water barrels to worry about.
3. Dual-valve design deflated inflatable read only between.
4. Blue Ocean Hexagonal Swimming Pool design is longing for each baby.
5. Using non-toxic environmentally friendly nanotechnology PVC high-stronger and more secure.
6. Large hexagonal space for more tour free baby.
这款贝博氏【蓝海精灵】超级六角形婴 儿游泳池吸取香港曼波鱼屋之长并加以改进使之完全成为一款超级婴儿游泳池,从设计用料以及各部件都经过数为专家无数次的测试,均达到了贝博氏独有的人性化 要求。
1. 加大泡泡底更柔软更舒适真正呵护宝宝的小脚。
2. 独有的底部进出水更方便、更省力,不用一桶桶拎水而烦恼。
3. 双气门设计充气放气仅在一念之间。
4. 【蓝海精灵】海底世界图案设计是每个宝宝的向往。
5. 采用纳米科技无毒环保高支亚光PVC更牢固更安全。
6. 超大的六角形空间让宝宝更加畅游无阻。

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